Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Help Me Connect!
The final exam is based on a movie we have to create for the Inquiry class. My topic is “Internet Drama” and will include internet connections issues when moving into the dorms, technology problems, how to access the Help Desk at Southern and West Hall’s computer lab.   My topic is creative because it is about the Internet and everyone has trouble occasionally trying to connect to the web. The video will give the students ideas and the ability to be creative when trying different ways to reconnect when they have trouble.

Apple has created a program called iMovie, which allows the user to easily produce a unique video clip on the computer.  It is very simple and easy because the user is able to upload previously recorded video clips into iMovie and edit them.  It is a very easy program that anyone can use and is free with the computer.

IMovie comes with many features includes cutting clips, adjusting the duration of the movie, ability to insert pictures into the project, flowing transitions, and adding music in the background. All of these features allow the person making the video to be as creative as they would like to be. I have a lot of ideas about how to make an interesting video and I will use the features that I have access to in order to create a better video. 

The technology is amazing on the iMovie software and working with it will be fun and creative.  My video will have an interesting opening, be organized and flow well, as well as having a good ending.  I will make an effort to talk to interesting people who have a lot of information about the internet and ways to help the students at Southern Connecticut State University be better prepared for internet issues and how to solve them more efficiently.

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