Thursday, October 31, 2013


"Creativity Takes Courage"

Creativity is described as the ability to create something that is new and valuable. An example of being creative would be painting a work of art, or an idea, or writing a literary work, or writing a musical composition. 
This week in Inquiry class, our class was able to watch a TED Talk video (Link: called, “Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity.”  It was interesting because he believes that children have a great capacity for being innovative and creative.  He feels that they have tremendous talent for art, music and also dance.  Our educational system does not promote creativity as much as it does literacy.  He feels that our educational system doesn’t encourage creativity as much as academics.  He relates this to our history and that our education must focus on work and what we will need to succeed in the future.

It was an interesting to listen to Ken Robinson's theories and he how he talked about our changing world, and how much education we will need.  He also examined how we need to promote creativity in our children by letting them using their imagination.

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