Google definition of persistence is, “firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in
spite of difficulty or opposition.”
I also searched using the
“Free Online Dictionary” (Link: and I found the following as the definition:
1. Refusing to give up or let go;
persevering obstinately.
2. Insistently repetitive or
continuous: a persistent ringing of the
Existing or
remaining in the same state for an indefinitely long time; enduring: persistent rumors; a persistent infection.
This week in class we talked about the Grit Test, which relates and corresponds to action and mindset. I scored a 5 on my grit test, which means I am very gritty in everything I do. For example, I am persistent in regard to reaching my goals in my school coursework in order to be successful in my future career. During high school, I was a member of the Lady Eagles Swimming and Diving Team for Wethersfield High School. We practiced daily for two hours in the evening as well as participating in swim meets across the state of Connecticut. In swimming, I have learned that practice makes a swimmer stronger and quicker in a race and it takes persistence and determination to improve. When a swimmer improves, their swim times decrease because the athlete is swimming faster. It takes a lot of work to swim laps faster and faster and plenty of persistence.
This week in class we talked about the Grit Test, which relates and corresponds to action and mindset. I scored a 5 on my grit test, which means I am very gritty in everything I do. For example, I am persistent in regard to reaching my goals in my school coursework in order to be successful in my future career. During high school, I was a member of the Lady Eagles Swimming and Diving Team for Wethersfield High School. We practiced daily for two hours in the evening as well as participating in swim meets across the state of Connecticut. In swimming, I have learned that practice makes a swimmer stronger and quicker in a race and it takes persistence and determination to improve. When a swimmer improves, their swim times decrease because the athlete is swimming faster. It takes a lot of work to swim laps faster and faster and plenty of persistence.